The Painting Series
—Click paintings to see series—
The Legend of the Red Rhino.
Ms. Baross developed The Red Rhino series in Mexico 2007 for Portland’s Artist Repertory Theatre to be displayed during the run of their play, “Orson’s Shadow” by Austin Pendleton.
The Baseball Series was developed in 2005 for Portland’s Artist Repertory Theater to be displayed during the run of their play, “Take Me Out” by Richard Greenberg. The six paintings portray players at their most powerful contact moments, a complete psychic focus where the player and ball meet.
This series of paintings is from Ms. Baross’s thirty year love affair with San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The Multnomah Art Center hosted the opening in 2005 in which which most of the paintings were sold.
The Cancer Series
On September 11, 2001, everything ground to a halt for America. It also ground to a halt for me. I was told I had breast cancer. After three operations and six weeks of radiation and five years of tamoxifen, I continue to be healthy and cancer free.
Because the experience was so traumatic on so many levels, I began this series of paintings to release what I could not fully articulate.