Award: First Place-Annual International San Miguel Writers Conference
“Don’t tell anyone we’re Democrats,” warned Mother when we moved to Bakersfield. “And for God’s sake, don’t tell them you’re Jewish.”
BAKERSFIELD IN THE 1950s, was redneck central.
With humor and tenacity, a young Jewish girl negotiates the pitfalls of growing up as an outsider in a very strange land.
AVAILABLE on Amazon, Kindle and Barnes and Noble
Joan Gratz, Academy Award winning director/author says: “The young Jewish narrator reminds me of Scout in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” only with a lot more humor. I loved this brazen, feisty girl butting up against a hostile landscape with humor, naive insight and the missteps of youth.”
Mark Saunders, award winning playwright/author says: “Bye-Bye Bakersfield is one of the best novels I’ve read this year. Dredged from the cultural abyss of 1950s Bakersfield, Baross gives us a passionate understanding of what it means to be a family struggling to survive as strangers in a strange land. Our young heroine’s hard-won triumphs lead her out of Bakersfield and into the larger world she craves.”
Greg Olson, author/ award winning international film curator says: “I marvel at the authors skill in carrying us from wildly funny to a deeply touching heart connection with these characters. Baross writes with the convincing authority of having lived in this time and place.”