Two Act Plays

Daughters of Eden
A drama of epic proportions based on a true story. An itinerant preacher came to a sleepy Oregon farming town town in 1903. He preached a convincing sermon to return to nature. The wife of the town minister fell in love with him.The women followed him into a holy-roller nudist cult. The conflict pitted husband against wife, daughter against son. The men eventually destroy him but they never knew if the children born after the preacher’s arrival were his or theirs. The mark the preacher left is indelible to this day.
Productions: Columbia Theatre, Red Octopus Theatre, Firehouse Theatre, Storefront Theatre.
Awards: Stanley Award, NY.

Breaching or The Man Who was a Whale
A comedy about a marine biologist who has to save the world by becoming a whale. He has discovered the whales’ secret biological imperative toward peaceful co-existence. The answer is chemical and if he can retrieve a specimen he may save his own species. But he only has one day before humans are completely destroyed.
Productions: Theatre Paris, OR., Nat Horne Theater, NY, OFFOFFBROADWAY.

The Commissar is Coming
A comedy about pollution in a small Russian town that suffers in excess of what we all suffer today. A poisoned and corrupt environment. The village uses bog mud to fertilize their fields but the bog is highly radioactive. Yet they can’t survive without their crops on the poor land. But their survival really depends on the Commissar who determines how polluted they are, how uneatable the food is, and compensates them with a small subsidy so they don’t have to eat the food they grow.
Productions: Cygnet Productions.

The Last Seduction of Mata Hari
Developed at the Artist Rep Theater, it is a drama on the life of a turn-of-the-century courtesan who introduced the strip tease to Europe through her erotic dance that she learned in Java. She was the toast of Europe until she was arrested and executed for espionage. Whether she was truly innocent or guilty has never been determined.
Productions: Villa Jacaranda Theatre, Mexico.
Awards: Winner of Oregon Literary Award.